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66. St. Jerome: Commentary on Ecclesiastes
Commentary on Ecclesiastes

Richard J. Goodrich

(More from this Author)

This first-ever translation into English of this early work by St. Jerome includes a commentary by the translators that not only elucidates the difficulties but also presents an original view of Jerome's approach to the theological issues raised by this challenging book of the Bible.

Category: Ancient Christian Writers

ISBN: 978-08091-0601-1

Hardcover $39.95 Add To Cart


Julian of Norwich

Second Showings

Translated and introduced by Edmund Colledge, OSA, and James Walsh, SJ; preface by Jean Leclercq, OSB

Here are witty and startling perceptions of the "feminine" nature of God by one of the greatest of all English mystics. Julian (1342-c.1423) was an anchoress who lived in solitude in Norwich, England.

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