Guidelines for submitting a proposal to Paulist Press:
Cover letter with working title, subject, intended audience and any other information that you think would be helpful in assessing your work, e.g., how your book compares to similar titles, what gaps it fills, what special appeal it has for readers, any reader endorsements.
Sample chapter and Table of Contents, if available. Please note that Paulist Press does NOT publish dissertations.
Manuscript length: What is the estimated word count for the proposed book?
Date of completion: Indicate the date by which you expect to submit a completed manuscript.
Curriculum vitae or summary of your qualifications, e.g., previous publication(s), affiliations, teaching or other experience.
Please do NOT submit material more than once, and do NOT send a complete manuscript unless requested.
Indicate whether the project includes art or graphics, and include any samples, if available.
Due to the number of proposals received, Paulist Press will NOT return materials. Please do NOT send originals or anything that cannot be replaced.
Additional guidelines for a children’s book proposal:
Genre: What type of children’s book: e.g., picture book; activity book; etc.?
Audience: For what specific age level (e.g., ages 3–6, 7–10) is this book written?
Author promotion: Please detail the ways in which you plan to promote this book to potential buyers.
Sample pages: Enclose the entire manuscript including illustrations, if available.