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The Eucharist and Social Justice
Margaret Scott
Argues that the Eucharist is deeply political and potentially subversive and explores some of the many different aspects of the inseparable relationship between Eucharist and social justice.
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Format: eBook
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Mercy Without Borders
Catholic Worker & Immigration
Louise Zwick
This book is the Zwick's' story, a Catholic Worker story, interwoven with the stories, the joys, hopes, and tragedies of immigrants who have come to Houston, and an impassioned plea for a change in the political and economic forces that drive people...
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Format: Paperback
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The Eucharist and Social Justice
Margaret Scott
Argues that the Eucharist is deeply political and potentially subversive and explores some of the many different aspects of the inseparable relationship between Eucharist and social justice.
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Format: Paperback
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Great Mystics and Social Justice
Walking on the Two Feet of Love
Susan Rakoczy IHM
Demonstrates that the fullness of the Christian life must include commitment to social justice by examining the lives of a number of Christian mystics and the implications their insights hold for contemporary Christians.
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Format: Paperback
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The Catholic Worker Movement
Intellectual & Spiritual Origins
Mark Zwick
Brings to life the philosophers, theologians, economists, and saints who influenced Dorothy Day and Peter Maurin in the development of the ideas and spirituality that supported their radical following of the Gospel in the movement they founded.
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Format: Paperback
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Responses to 101 Questions on Catholic Social Teaching
Kenneth Himes, OFM
Drawing on his long experience of having lectured, written on and taught the topic, Kenneth Himes has gathered here some of the most frequently asked questions on Catholic social teaching. Using the always popular Responses to 101 Questions format, ...
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Format: Paperback
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