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Displaying 1 to 15 (of 19 products)
15 Ways to Nourish Your Faith
Susan Shannon Davies
Acknowledging that different people need different paths to God, the author explores a wide range of ways in which the spiritual life can be enhanced and the soul nourished.
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Format: eBook
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The Discerning Heart
Exploring the Christian Path
Wilkie Au and Noreen Cannon Au
Integrating the wisdom of Christian tradition and recent psychological findings on effective decision-making, this volume presents a view of Christian discernment that honors the body-spirit unity of the person and the broad and mysterious ways we c...
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Format: eBook
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The Gratitude Factor
Enhancing Your Life Through Grateful Living
Charles Shelton, S.J.
Explores the significance of gratitude for one's personal and spiritual life, offering a unique blend of the latest research and practical strategies and exercises to foster a grateful heart.
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Format: Paperback
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Where the Hell Is God?
Richard Leonard,SJ
Combines professional insights along with the author's own experience and insights to speculate on how believers can make sense of their Christian faith when confronted with tragedy and suffering.
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Format: Paperback
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To Believe in Jesus
Ruth Burrows
This bestselling author writes here about contemplation and the life of prayer.
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Format: Paperback
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Embracing the Call to Spiritual Depth
Gifts for Contemplative Living
Rev.Tilden H. Edwards
A well-known spiritual mentor shares some practical and theological insights for the deepening spiritual journey.
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Format: Paperback
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Becoming Who You Are
Insights on the True Self from Thomas Merton and Other Saints
James Martin,SJ
By meditating on personal examples from the author's life, as well as reflecting on the inspirational life and writings of Thomas Merton, stories from the Gospels, as well as the lives of other holy men and women (among them, Henri Nouwen, Therese o...
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Format: Paperback
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The Discerning Heart
Exploring the Christian Path
Wilkie Au
Integrating the wisdom of Christian tradition and recent psychological findings on effective decision-making, this volume presents a view of Christian discernment that honors the body-spirit unity of the person and the broad and mysterious ways we c...
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Format: Paperback
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Five Steps to Spiritual Growth
Peter Kalellis
Drawing from philosophical thought, scriptural sources, and writers of the early church, the author offers options and practical tools to mentor the reader in his or her spiritual journey.
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Format: Paperback
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Format: Paperback
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Four Steps to Spiritual Freedom
Rev. Thomas P. Ryan, CSP
A fresh presentation of the four major themes of the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola cast as four steps to spiritual freedom: Know Who You Are; Live Your Calling to the Full; Let Go of Results; and Daily Rededicate Your Life to God."
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Format: Paperback
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Soul Wilderness
Desert Spirituality
Kerry Walters
This powerful book draws on the tradition of the prophet emerging from the wasteland to help waken the mystic within each of us, guide our modern spiritual journey into our own inner desert, and there to have a direct experience of God.
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Format: Paperback
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The Enduring Heart
Spiritual Vitality for Mid-Life Beyo
Wilkie Au
A guidebook for traveling the road of middle age that acts as a type of "spiritual Triple-A Club," providing both a map for middle life's journey and roadside assistance for those who find themselves stuck along the way.
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Format: Hardcover
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Guests of God
Stewards of Divine Creation
Dr. Monika K. Hellwig
Using insightful meditations, psalm adaptations and line drawings, the eminent theologian invites readers to become more aware of themselves as guests on God's earth and to consider how that affects their relationship to God, to other people and to ...
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Format: Paperback
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Urgings of the Heart
Spirituality of Integration
Wilkie Au
Using stories and images, the authors blend the best of spirituality and psychology to help the reader live in peace with self, others, and God.
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Format: Paperback
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Displaying 1 to 15 (of 19 products)