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Nil Sorsky
Complete Writings
Rev. George A. Maloney, SJ
Here is a first-time translation from Russian into English of the complete writings of this fifteenth-century Russian spiritual writer notable for bringing to Russia the spirituality of the early fathers and mothers of the desert, the hesychasm spir...
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Format: Paperback
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The Pilgrim's Tale
Aleksei Pentkovsky
In this volume is the authentic text of one of the most famous examples of Russian spiritual literature, which deals with various aspects of the Jesus Prayer. A redaction of this text is thought to have been written no earlier than 1859.
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Format: Paperback
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Nicodemos of the Holy Mountain
A Handbook of Spriitual Counsel
Peter A. Chamberas
"...a milestone in American religious publishing."
—New Catholic World
Nicodemos of the Holy Mountain: A Handbook of Spiritual Counsel
translation and foreword by Peter A. Chamberas
introduction by George S. Bebis
preface by Stanley S. Harakas
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Format: Paperback
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John Climacus
Lader of Divine Ascent
Dr.Colm Luibheid
John Climacus (c. 579-649) was abbot of the monastery of Catherine on Mount Sinai. His Ladder was the most widely used handbook of the ascetical life in the ancient Greek church.
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Format: Paperback
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Symeon the New Theologian
Joan De Catazaro
"A major new reengage people with their own spiritual roots...the first contemporary fresh translations from the classic works of mysticism in the Roman Catholic, Protestant, Eastern Orthodox, Islamic and American Indian traditions."
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Format: Paperback
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