Book Categories

Ancient Christian Writers
Ancient Christian Writers
Displaying 1 to 15 (of 66 products)
70. Sulpicius Severus

Complete Works

Introduction, translation, and notes by Richard J. Goodrich

The first complete English translation since the late nineteenth century of the works of Sulpicius Severus, an early fifth-century Gallic writer.


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Format: Hardcover

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69. Theodore the Studite

Writing on Iconoclasn

Translated and Introduced by Thomas Cattoi

Famous for his writings exploring the nature and purpose of the monastic life, Theodore the Studite (759-826) was also the author of numerous apologetic works on the theology of the icon, where prose and poetry brought together theological depth and...


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Format: Hardcover

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68. St. Jerome-Origen

Commentary on Isaiah Origen Homilies 1-9 on Isaiah

Translated and with an Introduction by Thomas P. Scheck

Jerome is best known as the translator of the Latin Vulgate Bible. In medieval times, Jerome was declared to be one of the four great Doctors of the Latin church. The Council of Trent spoke of him as "the greatest doctor in the explanation of Holy S...


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Format: Hardcover

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67. Theodoret of Cryus A Cure for Pagan Maladies

A Cure for Pagan Maladies

Translation and Introduction by Thomas Halton

This is the "last of the Christian apologies," written by influential author and bishop of Cyrrhus (ca. 393-ca. 457).


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Format: Hardcover

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66. St. Jerome: Commentary on Ecclesiastes

Commentary on Ecclesiastes

Richard J. Goodrich

This first-ever translation into English of this early work by St. Jerome includes a commentary by the translators that not only elucidates the difficulties but also presents an original view of Jerome's approach to the theological issues raised by ...


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Format: Hardcover

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65. St. Irenaeus of Lyons

Against the Heresies Book 2

Dominic J. Unger

In this book, St. Irenaeus of Lyons refutes the gnosis of the Valentinians and the Marcionites from reason.


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Format: Hardcover

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63. Julian of Toledo

Prognosticum Futuri Saeculi

Sergio Stancati, OP

The first English translation of the Prognosticum futuri saeculi of Julian of Toledo (624-690), the most ancient treatise of Christian eschatology.


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Format: Hardcover

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62. Origen

Homilies 1-14 on Ezekiel

Dr. Thomas P. Scheck

This is the first English translation of Origen's fourteen Homilies on Ezekiel, made from the Latin translation of St. Jerome.


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Format: Hardcover

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61. Isidore of Seville

DeEcclesiasticis Officiis

Thomas L. Knoebel

This is the first complete English translation of De Ecclesiasticis Officiis (DEO) of St. Isidore of Seville (d. 636), considered the last Latin father of the church. The work is an invaluable source of information about liturgical practice and chur...


List Price:

Format: Hardcover

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60. Quodvultdeus of Carthage

Creedal Homilies

Dr. Thomas M Finn

The Creedal Homilies is a translation and commentary on the recently recovered and critically edited homilies on the Nicene Creed, delivered by Quodvultdeus, the last pre-Vandal archbishop of Carthage and young contemporary of St. Augustine.


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Format: Hardcover

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59. Evagrius Ponticus

Ad Monachos

translation and commentary by Jeremy Driscoll

Proverbs from this desert father, translated for the first time into English.


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Format: Hardcover

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56. St. Justin Martyr

The First and Second Apologies

The First and Second Apologies

An English translation from Greek of Justin Martyr's two major apologetic works, which are recognized as a formative influence on the development of Christian theology in the early church.


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Format: Hardcover

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47. The Letters of St. Cyprian of Carthage, Vol. 4

translated and annotated by G.W. Clarke

The letters in this volume were composed over the years 254-258, when Cyprian was martyred.


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Format: Hardcover

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35. Letters of St. Paulinus of Nola, Vol. 1

translated and annotated by P.G. Walsh

Twenty-two prose letters that serve as a spiritual autobiography and intimate view of monastic life in Gaul and Nola, near Naples, in the fifth century.


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Format: Hardcover

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29. St. Augustine on the Psalms, Vol. 1

on the Psalms

translated and annotated by Dame Scholastica Hebgin and Dame

This volume covers Augustine's notes and commentaries on Psalms 1 through 29. Augustine's theme is the church, less as an external institution than as the very focus and center of God and Christ.


List Price:

Format: Hardcover

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Displaying 1 to 15 (of 66 products)


Julian of Norwich

Second Showings

Translated and introduced by Edmund Colledge, OSA, and James Walsh, SJ; preface by Jean Leclercq, OSB

Here are witty and startling perceptions of the "feminine" nature of God by one of the greatest of all English mystics. Julian (1342-c.1423) was an anchoress who lived in solitude in Norwich, England.

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