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Wisdom at the Crossroads
The Life & Thought of Michael Paul Gallagher, SJ

Wisdom at the Crossroads introduces the thought of the gifted Jesuit priest, author and educator, Father Michael Paul Gallagher (1939-2015). It shows how he learned to tune into a deeper wavelength of his own life, the lives of others, and the culture of our time. Starting with an account of the first forty years of his life, it highlights how he moved from the simplicity of an Irish childhood to a more complex adult world where he was forced to think deeply about religious change, shifts in culture, and the challenge of unbelief and atheism. The book portrays his rare gift of moving both individual conversations and analyses of faith and culture to a deeper layer of wonder, confident that if people could only get in touch with what was deepest in themselves, a promising journey into faith might unfold.

ISBN: 978-08091-5419-7

Paperback $19.95 Add To Cart
