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Titles by: Louis Savary

Louis Savary

Displaying 1 to 15 (of 19 by this author)
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101 Questions & Answers on Catholicism and Evolution

Louis M. Savary 

Addressing the threat that some Christians have felt from the theory of evolution, Lou Savary answers questions raised by people of faith about evolution and how it relates to Christian faith and practice.Endorsements"This is an excellent, user-frie...


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Format: Paperback

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The Christian Phenomenon

A Once and Future Church; the Vision of Teilhard de Chardin

Louis M. Savary

At the end of the epilogue to The Human Phenomenon, Teilhard's great scientific treatise, he added a section entitled "The Christian Phenomenon." He insists that he writes these pages as a scientist, working from tangible, observable, historical fac...


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Format: Paperback

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Dreams and Spiritual Growth

Judeo-Christian Way of Dreamwork

Stephon K. Williams

A comprehensive dreamwork methodology including thirty-seven dreamwork techniques, that integrates psychological, spiritual, historical and theological perspectives.


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Format: Paperback

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The New Spiritual Exercises

In the Spirit of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

Louis M. Savary

This book presents a spiritual renewal system for contemporary believers based on Ignatius' Spiritual Exercises and inspired by the modern insights of Jesuit priest-scientist Pierre Teilhard de Chardin.


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Format: eBook

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In the Spirit of Pierre Teihard de Chardin

Louis M. Savary

This book presents a spiritual renewal system for contemporary believers based on Ignatius' Spiritual Exercises and inspired by the modern insights of Jesuit priest-scientist Pierre Teilhard de Chardin.


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Format: Paperback

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Teilhard de Chardin - The Divine Milieu Explained

A Spirituality for 21st Century

Louis M. Savary

A series of ground-breaking spiritual methods that integrate science and faith according to the evolutionary spirituality of Teilhard de Chardin's The Divine Milieu.


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Format: Paperback

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Teilhard de Chardin on the Eucharist

Envisioning the Body of Christ

Louis Savary

Those familiar with Lou Savary's previous books on Teilhard might immediately assume it is a book about his "Mass on the World." But that is only a small part of the richness of Teilhard's prayer and devotion regarding the Jesus Christ who lives tod...


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Format: Paperback

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Teilhard de Chardin on the Eucharist

Envisioning the Body of Christ

Louis M. Savary

Those familiar with Lou Savary's previous books on Teilhard might immediately assume it is a book about his "Mass on the World." But that is only a small part of the richness of Teilhard's prayer and devotion regarding the Jesus Christ who lives tod...


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Format: eBook

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Teilhard de Chardin on the Gospels

The Message of Jesus for an Evolutionary World

Louis M. Savary

Like St. Paul, Teilhard wrote much about the risen Lord and the mystical body of Christ and very little about the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth. Nevertheless, for Teilhard, “the mystical Christ, has neither meaning nor value in our eyes ex...


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Format: Paperback

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Teilhard de Chardin on the Gospels

The Message of Jesus for an Evolutionary World

Louis M. Savary

Like St. Paul, Teilhard wrote much about the risen Lord and the mystical body of Christ and very little about the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth. Nevertheless, for Teilhard, “the mystical Christ, has neither meaning nor value in our eyes ex...


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Format: eBook

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Teilhard de Chardin on Love

Evolving Human Relationships

Louis M. Savary & Patricia H. Berne

Lou Savary and Patricia Byrne have provided a valuable contribution in this book by clearly explaining Teilhard's doctrine of love on every level of life, from God to friendship, marriage, parenting, and human community. Their book is less a scholar...


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Format: Paperback

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Teilhard de Chardin on Love

Evolving Human Relationships

Louis M. Savary and Patricia H. Berne; Foreword by Ilia Deli

The authors offer a "first" summary of Teilhard's thoughts on love, a central element in his evolutionary spirituality, presented in accessible language for the ordinary reader. They explore the implications of Teilhard's evolutionary perspective on...


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Format: eBook

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Teilhard de Chardin on Morality

Living in an Evolving World

Louis M. Savary


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Format: Paperback

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Teilhard de Chardin on Morality

Living in an Evolving World

Louis M. Savary

Teilhard de Chardin presents a morality from an evolutionary perspective, in which humanity is growing in intellectual, emotional, and ethical maturity. He sees humanity's role as helping God in the divine project of transforming the world.


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Format: eBook

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Teilhard de Chardin The Phenomenon of Man Explained

Louis M. Savary

Teilhard’s book The Human Phenomenon (The Phenomenon of Man) developed many of the fundamental concepts of Teilhard’s evolutionary thinking that were the foundational ideas for his integration of evolutionary science with Christian theology and spir...


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Format: Paperback

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Displaying 1 to 15 (of 19 by this author)
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