Book Categories
James Keating
A self-directed retreat for deacons in the Catholic Church designed to lead the deacon into silent adoration and deeper appropriation of his call from Christ to become a deacon.
List Price: $9.95
Format: Paperback
Deacon James Keating
List Price: $7.96
Format: eBook
Spiritual & Pastoral Foundations
Edited by James Keating
Drawing on the expertise of eight distinguished theologians, this collection of essays offers a unique insight into the many facets of the character of the deacon. The essays are divided into four areas: the diaconate and Scripture, tradition, praye...
List Price: $18.95
The Character of the Deacon describes and moves forward the current theological and scriptural understanding of the diaconate.
List Price: $15.16
edited by James Keating
The first-ever systematic academic text for the first years of formation of deacons. This collection of essays on history, pastoral theology, and sociology covers the entire scope of diaconal life.
List Price: $22.36
List Price: $27.95
Communion with the Servant Mysteries of Christ
Through the three areas of Calling, Formation and Ordination, and Ministry, The Heart of the Diaconate explores the creative tension of the diaconate vocation and what the diaconate for the future will look like. The book outlines what those who are...
List Price: $12.95
List Price: $10.36
New Directions & Fundamental Issues
A gathering of ideas from top moralists on present issues and the future direction of the field of fundamental moral theology.
Holy Orders, Prayer, and Ministry
The collaboration of priests and deacons in the ministry of the gospel has not always been without some tension. The fiftieth anniversary of the restoration of the Permanent Diaconate in the Catholic Church welcomes a cooperative, creative, and pray...
List Price: $16.95
The collaboration of priests and deacons in the ministry of the gospel has not always been without some tension. Remain in Me encourages clergy with this vital challenge through concrete commitments to spiritual direction and a new way of engaging G...
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