Book Categories

Titles by: Rev James A Coriden

Rev James A Coriden

An Introduction to Canon Law

3rd Edition - Revised and Updated

James A. Coriden

The third edition of An Introduction to Canon Law retains the comprehensiveness of the previous two editions while updating the reader on the field, especially new resources and current decisions and changes. It now includes "A Canonical Constitutio...


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Format: Paperback

(Digital Formats Available)
Canon Law as Ministry

Freedom & Good Order for the Church

James A. Coriden

A bold and refreshing vision of the role of law within the Catholic Church not as an instrument of control, but as a guide and guarantee of freedom for individual believers.


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Format: Paperback

(Digital Formats Available)
Canon Law as Ministry

Freedom and Good Order for the Church

James A. Coriden

A bold and refreshing vision of the role of law within the Catholic Church-not as an instrument of control, but as a guide and guarantee of freedom for individual believers.


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Format: eBook

(Digital Formats Available)
New Commentary on the Code of Canon Law

(Study Edition)

John P. Beal

An entirely new and comprehensive commentary by canon lawyers from North America and Europe, with a revised English translation of the code. Reflects the enormous developments in canon law since the publication of the original commentary. Now in pap...


List Price:

Format: Paperback

(Digital Formats Available)
The Parish in Catholic Tradition

History, Theology & Canon Law

James A. Coriden

The structure and functioning of the local church by an eminent canon lawyer.


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Format: Paperback

(Digital Formats Available)

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