Book Categories

Titles by: Rabbi Steven Wylen

Rabbi Steven Wylen

The Jews in the Time of Jesus

An Introduction

Rabbi Stephen M. Wylen

Explores the history and religion of the Jews in the late Second Temple and early rabbinic era, emphasizing those aspects of early Judaism that are significant to Christians seeking to understand the context in which Jesus lived and taught.


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Format: Paperback

(Digital Formats Available)
The Jews in the Time of Jesus

An Introduction

Stephen M. Wylen

Explores the history and religion of the Jews in the late Second Temple and early rabbinic era, emphasizing those aspects of early Judaism that are significant to Christians seeking to understand the context in which Jesus lived and taught.


List Price:

Format: eBook

(Digital Formats Available)
Settings of Silver

An Introduction to Judaism (Second Edition)

Rabbi Stephen M. Wylen

A comprehensive survey of Judaism, its history, beliefs, practices and customs, branches and sects, from its founding to the present day.


List Price:

Format: Paperback

(Digital Formats Available)
Settings of Silver (Second Edition)

An Introduction to Judaism (Second Edition)

Stephen M. Wylen

A comprehensive survey of Judaism, its history, beliefs, practices and customs, branches and sects, from its founding to the present day.


List Price:

Format: eBook

(Digital Formats Available)
The Seventy Faces of Torah

Jewish Way Reading the Sacred Scripture

Stephen M. Wylen

Introduces the reader to the major texts and genres of rabbinic literature in which the Jews present their reading of the Bible through which every biblical verse discloses seventy different insights, all of them wise and true.


List Price:

Format: Paperback

(Digital Formats Available)

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