Book Categories
Rev. Thomas P. Ryan, CSP
A fresh presentation of the four major themes of the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola cast as four steps to spiritual freedom: Know Who You Are; Live Your Calling to the Full; Let Go of Results; and Daily Rededicate Your Life to God."
List Price: $18.95
Format: Paperback
A fresh presentation of the four major themes of the SpiritualExercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola cast as four steps to spiritualfreedom: Know Who You Are; Live Your Calling to the Full; Let Go of Results; and Daily Rededicate Your Life to God.
List Price: $15.15
Format: eBook
A Christian Guide
Practical information and guidelines for interreligious prayer that includes biblical and theological perspectives; forms of interreligious prayer; symbols, rituals and content; as well as resources from eight religions that might be used in varying...
List Price: $12.95
Rev. Thomas Ryan, CSP
List Price: $10.35
Meditation and Yoga as Christian Spiritual Practice
Thomas Ryan, CSP; foreword by Jean Vanier
A practical "how-to" guide for persons who want to learn how to meditate or practice yoga in a way that is consistent with their Christian faith.
List Price: $12.70
Meditation & Yoga Christ Spiritual Practice
Rev Thomas Ryan
A Universal Form of Prayer
Thomas Ryan, CSP
By and large, the only reference most Christians of other denominations have for prayer with beads is Catholics and their rosaries. This devotional landscape is however now changing in remarkable ways. Various forms of prayer with beads are developi...
List Price: $16.95
Universal Form of Prayer
List Price: $11.36
Thomas Ryan
Examines the role of the human body in the Christian spiritual life.
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