Book Categories
The Humanity of the Lord
Wilfrid J. Harrington, OP
A noted biblical scholar, revered teacher, and graceful author writes movingly and with profound insight about Jesus as a human being.
List Price: $11.96
Format: eBook
Humanity of the Lord
Wilfrid J. Harrington
List Price: $14.95
Format: Paperback
A brief and insightful guide for reading and understanding the Gospel of John and its message.
Wilfrid Harrington, OP
List Price: $10.02
In this brief and insightful blueprint for reading and appreciating the Gospel of Luke, noted scripture scholar Wilfrid J. Harrington, OP, guides the reader through the major themes of the gospel, including the infancy narratives, the ministry of Je...
"Today, before we Christians begin to read a gospel, we already know the lines of the story. It was the same at the start. The first readers or hearers of each gospel knew the story as well as the evangelist. Each evangelist put a 'spin' on a famili...
Explores the Gospel of Mark with emphasis on why Mark tells the story the way he does. The author backs up his appreciation of the literary sophistication of Mark by outlining his technique and discusses the centrality of the cross to Mark's account...
A brief and yet insightful blueprint for reading and appreciating the Gospel of Matthew that emphasizes two main points: he provides a "road map" through the Gospel by describing its structure; and he explains Matthew's focus on Jesus' teaching as t...
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