Book Categories

Titles by: Marcus Mescher, Phd

Marcus Mescher, Phd

The Study Guide to the Encyclical Letter of Pope Francis

Fratelli Tutti, On Fraternity and Social Friendship

Marcus Mescher

Fratelli Tutti sets out the pope's vision for a postpandemic world—a preoccupation of his homilies and addresses in the Covid-19 period. It's a rich document that lends itself easily to making connections with theological anthropology, moral theolog...


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Format: Paperback

(Digital Formats Available)
The Study Guide to the Encyclical Letter of Pope Francis

Fratelli Tutti, On Fraternity and Social Friendship

Marcus Mescher

Fratelli Tutti sets out the pope's vision for a postpandemic world—a preoccupation of his homilies and addresses in the Covid-19 period. It's a rich document that lends itself easily to making connections with theological anthropology, moral theolog...


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Format: eBook

(Digital Formats Available)

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