Book Categories

Titles by: Anne Arabome, SSS

Anne Arabome, SSS

Why Do You Trouble This Woman?

Women and theĀ Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola

Anne Arabome, SSS

The first by a woman of color on Ignatian spirituality in a multicultural and intercultural setting, bringing a unique voice from a place of diversity that is rich in insights for a global audience."One of the most engaging parts of Why Do You Troub...


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Format: Paperback

(Digital Formats Available)
Why Do You Trouble This Woman?

Women and theĀ Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola

Anne Araborne, SSS

The first by a woman of color on Ignatian spirituality in a multicultural and intercultural setting, bringing a unique voice from a place of diversity that is rich in insights for a global audience."One of the most engaging parts of Why Do You Troub...


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Format: eBook

(Digital Formats Available)

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