Sixty Years of Moral Theology
Readings in Moral Theology No. 20
In 1979, in collaboration with Richard A. McCormick, SJ, Charles Curran began the series Readings in Moral Theology with Moral Norms and the Catholic Tradition. Since then, there have been eighteen additional volumes in the series through 2019’s U.S. Moral Theology from the Margins, edited with Lisa A. Fullam of Santa Clara University.
McCormick’s participation ended with his death in 2000. In the years since, Curran has collaborated with ethicists such as Leslie Griffin, Julie Hanlon Rubio, and Lisa Fullam.
After a run of over forty years, the series comes to a close with this retrospective volume by Curran, as he looks back on his own writing and influence on the field, from 1966 to the present.
ISBN: 978-08091-0665-3
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