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Hope against Hope
Metz/Wiesel Speak Out on the Holocau

Ekkehard Schuster

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For each man, the book explores the major influences on his thought, and his reflections on anti-Semitism, interfaith dialogue, the meaning of God and faith, and why both the Church and God were silent at Auschwitz. The two are united by their common passion for memory, the remembrance of human suffering, and the suffering unto God. This is a work of enduring interest to anyone involved in Holocaust studies, Jewish/Christian dialogue, theological studies, and the problem of evil."Hope against Hope is a challenging and thought provoking book. It should be read and pondered by everyone. The bringing together of the reflections of Metz and Wiesel is an invaluable contribution. Their speaking out on the Holocaust should lead us to reflect on the implications that their words have for us today." -Francis Schussler Fiorenza, Stillman Professor of Roman Catholic Studies, Harvard University, The Divinity School

Category: Homiletics/Preaching

ISBN: 978-08091-3846-3

Paperback $11.95 Add To Cart
