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The Mystery of the Cross

" The experience of suffering and, very important, the experience of failure bring us face to face with mystery.coming to us as unwelcome visitors, suffering and pain can, if handled well, turn out to be friends." Why do tragedies occur? Why do the innocent have to suffer? Why do we experience pain and desolation? The late Cardinal Basil Hume shares his own anguish and search for answers in this book, a profound collection of meditations and reflections on the cross. The meditations speak of the mystery of suffering and the mystery of God's love shown particularly in the death and resurrection of Christ. Drawing on the liturgy of the Church, especially the Easter liturgy, Cardinal Hume reminds us that Christ shared our pain and that 'our suffering brings us closer to Christ and closer to God.

ISBN: 978-08091-4789-2

Paperback $9.95 Add To Cart
