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Spirituality for People on the Go

Unlike many works on spirituality, this engaging and user-friendly book is specifically aimed at the busy lay person. It underlines the idea that spirituality is not exotic, something for the few, but that it is in ordinary things and daily life that we can find intimacy with God. "Spirituality," says the author, popular speaker and retreat master Fr. Jim Clarke, "is a developmental process. It is the art of making connections, seeing the divine in the human, and claiming it for ourselves. Every day we become more human, or less human, depending upon our ability to reflect on our experiences..One of the signs of a healthy spirituality is that it offers a cohesive worldview: there is a place for everything and everyone-no exclusivism. All the parts fit together-tragedy and glory, suffering and joy-and everything in between. All the pieces play a part, but not necessarily equally."Each chapter offers simple questions to stimulate the thought process in developing or integrating the different components of a vital or transformative spirituality. Specific prayer forms and spiritual practices from a variety of spiritual traditions are suggested to assist in creating a framework for attending to a personal interior life. An appealing feature of this book is that chapters can be read quickly, in sequence or separately, depending upon one's own particular interest. In addition, the book can be used for individual nourishment, adult study groups, or a group retreat.

ISBN: 978-08091-4919-3

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