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Where Two or Three Are Gathered
Transforming the Parish through Communities of Practice

Enhancing the mature faith of adults is essential to the life of the parish and to the parish's capacity to fulfill its fundamental mission of being and becoming a more effective agent of evangelization. Rather than adding more meetings and programs to an already busy schedule, this book proposes that we draw on the times that adults already meet to enhance the faith formative values of those gatherings. From the parish council to the coffee committee that organizes gatherings after Mass on Sunday, each group provides an opportunity to attend to the faith life of the participants. By looking at these multiple parish gatherings through the lens of communities of practice, their formative roles can be examined. The second part of the book examines characteristics that these communities of practice have in common. Reflection and conversation questions are included.

ISBN: 978-08091-4998-8

Paperback $17.95 Add To Cart

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