For A Missionary Reform of the Church
Civilta Cattolica Seminar
Consisting of thirty essays presented at a symposium that deal with reform of the church and reforms in the church, this volume can be seen as an act of reading Francis's pontificate, and an encouragement to look at Francis in the context of a vision of reform but also in the context of the history of the Church Jorge Mario Bergoglio comes from. The objective is to present an articulated set of stimuli and proposals for the deepening and continuation of the reform of the Catholic Church through concrete reforms in the Catholic Church. It does not contain final conclusions shared by all authors, who wrote under their own individual responsibility. But the volume, as a whole, sets out from the idea of Ecclesia semper reformanda which expresses the need for a permanent renewal and the demand for reform at a given moment. It covers both the re-form of personal and communal Christian life and the transformation of ecclesial structures (from the foreword).
ISBN: 978-08091-5348-0
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