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Krister among the Jews and Gentiles
Essays in Appreciation of the Life and Work of Krister Stendahl

Professor of biblical studies and dean of Harvard Divinity School, bishop in his native Stockholm and pathbreaking participant in interreligious dialogue, scholar, and pastor: Krister Stendahl served with grace, humility, and humor in all these roles. 2018 marks ten years since his death.

This book, in honor of his memory, provides its readers in seven succinct chapters with discussions, analyses, and appreciations of Stendahl's contributions in various arenas: Institutional formation, both of university and of church; interreligious dialogue and relations; biblical and historical research. Its authors not only sketch the contours of Stendahl's service and scholarship, but also reflect upon his legacy. How can Krister Stendahl's insights moral, theological, historical, professional guide us as we face the challenges of today?

ISBN: 978-08091-5401-2

Paperback $29.95 Add To Cart

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