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The Deacon
Icon of Christ the Servant, Minister of the Threshold

Despite almost fifty years of diaconal ministry “on the ground” and 44,000+ deacons worldwide, there remains confusion among bishops, priests, other church ministers, people in the pews, and deacons themselves about who they are and what they are tasked to do: their distinctive ministerial identity.  

This ministerial identity is best understood through two complementary images: the deacon is simultaneously “icon of Christ the servant” and “minister of the threshold.” This book provides an integral vision of diaconal identity using these images, a vision that is both theologically rigorous and practically useful. The book engages the theological conversation about ministry, the church, and the sacrament of orders; and the vision developed also offers broad but useful guidelines for a deacon’s self-understanding and practice. 

The book has two audiences: Both scholars in the theological disciplines and anyone interested in this growing ministry in the Church, especially deacons practicing ministry (as well as those who oversee, form, collaborate with, or simply live with them.)

ISBN: 978-08091-5425-8

Paperback $29.95 Add To Cart
