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Praying with the Jesuits
Finding God in All Things
Second Edition

Compiled by Charles J. Healy, SJ, Praying with the Jesuits presents the rich tradition of Ignatian prayer and meditation selected from the history of the Jesuits beginning with St. Ignatius Loyola, founder of the Society of Jesus through the centuries to the present day.

Praying with the Jesuits is a wonderful collection of prayers and meditations taken from the rich tradition of the Jesuits. Divided into the periods of the Spiritual Exercises, the Early Jesuits, the Later Jesuits, and Special Devotions, readers will find selections from spiritual figures of their time including Ignatius Loyola, Francis Xavier, Peter Faber, Gerard Manley Hopkins, Teilhard de Chardin, Bernard Lonergan, Karl Rahner, Jon Sobrino, and Pope Francis.

Included is an appendix which explores the Jesuit charism and the famous saying “Our Way of Proceeding” that is so often associated with the Jesuits and those who practice a Jesuit spirituality. Essentially, Praying with the Jesuits will give readers an insight into the Spiritual Exercises and is a perfect introduction to Jesuit spirituality, which finds God in all things.

ISBN: 978-08091-5443-2

Paperback $14.95 Add To Cart
