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Theology of the People
The Pastoral and Theological Roots of Pope Francis

Theology of the People explores first the origins of Argentine liberation theology—its distinctive characteristics, stages, status, and the figure of its main initiator, Lucio Gera. The book then presents the theology as a universal model of inculturation based on the wisdom and piety of the People of God incarnate in the peoples of the earth (locus theologicus, that is, source of theological reflection, according to Evangelii gaudium). Finally, it demonstrates its decisive influence on Francis, who not only takes it to a more universal level, but it extends it with creativity.

Theology of the People is one more fruit of the conciliar renewal and of the Latin American Church—from Medellín to Aparecida—and is an original contribution to the theological dialogue.

ISBN: 978-08091-5475-3

Paperback $39.95 Add To Cart

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