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Mujeres Diáconos
Pasado, Presente, Futuro

Phyllis Zagano, Gary Macy, William T. Ditewig; prefacio por Susan A. Ross

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The tremendous growth of the permanent order of deacon in the church carries with it lingering questions about women deacons. The church's evident need for more women in ministry demands careful exploration and evaluation of the historical roots, contemporary ecclesial realities, and creative future possibilities for including women in the diaconate. In these three essays, originally written for this volume, Professors Macy, Ditewig, and Zagano evaluate the question of women deacons from the historical, contemporary, and future perspectives in conversation with one another and with the whole church. The result is essential reading for anyone interested in the nature and exercise of the diaconate in the contemporary Catholic Church.

ISBN: 978-08091-5499-9

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