Mercy Not Sacrifice
Lenten Daily Reflections
As Christians, we are often told that Lent is a time when we must sacrifice in order to be worthy of God. But as Mark-David Janus reminds us, it is important to reflect instead on what God wants most—mercy. "Lent is where we come face to face with mercy, our need for mercy, the experience of God's generous mercy, the challenge to be merciful to others, and perhaps hardest of all, be merciful to ourselves. It is through mercy we come to the knowledge of God." In this spiritual journey from Ash Wednesday to Good Friday, Fr. Janus invites us to take a little time each day with a short quotation from scripture (taken from the day's liturgy) and offers a thoughtful and thought-provoking reflection of his own that will challenge and enliven our faith.
Mark-David Janus, CSP, PhD, is president and publisher of Paulist Press.
Click here to visit Fr. Mark-David's "Mercy Not Sacrifice Lenten Daily Reflections" YouTube Podcast.
ISBN: 978-08091-5657-3
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