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Universal Church in Motion
Synodal Paths

The central theme in Catholicism today is the synodal way, in which bishops and laypeople discuss church reforms. With synodal processes proceeding worldwide at the suggestion of Pope Francis, what experiences are different countries having and what topics are being discussed for the renewal of the Catholic Church? How is the synodal way perceived worldwide? What questions do believers in other local churches have?

Universal Church in Motion: Synodal Paths brings together essays from around the world about the future of the Catholic Church. The book features essays on the synodal process in several European countries as well as writings by theologians and church leaders including Rafael Luciani (Boston College), Sister Birgit Weiler (Pontifical Catholic University of Peru), Christina Kheng (East Asian Pastoral Institute), Thomas Söding (Central Committee of German Catholics), and Sister Joan Chittister.


"The Universal Church is in transition. But this gives us courage and hope for genuine change in a Church that credibly proclaims the good news and is sincerely concerned for the people, the 'hearers of the word.'"
—From the foreword

"Synodality represents a key moment in the life of the global Catholic Church, requiring all of us to 'think with the church' that can no longer be identified with the European and Western tradition. This series of essays from multinational and multicultural perspectives offers a much-needed framework to understand the synodal process."
—Massimo Faggioli, Author of Vatican II: The Battle for Meaning

Frank Ronge has been head of the Doctrine and Education Section of the German Bishops' Conference since 2010. A theologian and political scientist, he has been in charge of the Office of the Synodal Path of the German Bishops' Conference since its inception, and also the Central Committee of German Catholics.

ISBN: 978-08091-5687-0

Paperback $21.95 Add To Cart
