Catholics for the Common Good
Eternal Offering
Thirty-six portraits of contemporary Catholics show how they have lived the eucharistic prayer, "Lord, make of us an eternal offering to you" in their commitment to the common good and to human flourishing.
"Daryl Grigsby has written an inspiring book about inspiring people. As you turn the pages, you will join that great procession of people who have lived their lives for others. Prepare to be blessed."
—Thomas P. Bonacci, CP, The Interfaith Peace Project
"A second grader once described a saint as 'Someone the light shines through!' In Daryl Grigsby's engaging and inspiring portraits of contemporary men and women saints, the light does indeed shine through!"
—Joann Heinritz, CSJ, spiritual director and presenter, the Renewal Program, Jesuit School of Theology of Santa Clara University
"Daryl Grigsby's book reminds us of the faith, love, strength, and service of those who came before us; it challenges us to live into our calling to serve in healing the world."
—Cynthia Bailey Manns, lay delegate to the Synod on Synodality; adult learning director, Saint Joan of Arc Catholic Community, Minneapolis, Minnesota
"This book beautifully honors the legacy of ordinary radicals who prophetically lived out Catholic social teaching in remarkable ways, as we are all called to do."
—Joanna Arellano-Gonzalez, cofounder and director of training and formation, Coalition for Spiritual and Public Leadership, Chicago, Illinois
Daryl Russell Grigsby is on the board of directors for Leadership Foundations, which resolves critical urban challenges around the world.
ISBN: 978-08091-5717-4