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Mother Teresa
Saint of the Peripheries

Here is a biography that looks at Mother Teresa through the lens of Pope Francis's papacy of the peripheries. It was Mother Teresa's experiences living as a minority in the Balkans that formed her mission and ministry. The book especially explores her Albanian roots and upbringing among a Muslim majority population.

Mother Teresa’s upbringing in the Balkans as part of a minority group formed her mission and ministry to the poorest of the poor, beginning in India and expanding throughout the world. Here is a biography that looks at her through the lens of Pope Francis’s papacy of the peripheries. The book especially explores her Albanian roots and upbringing in the midst of a Muslim majority population, as well as the complicated political history of the region that made it what it was.

The author, Dr. Ines Angeli Murzaku, is professor of church history and director of Catholic Studies Program at Seton Hall University in New Jersey.

ISBN: 978-15876-8750-1

eBook $20.07 Add To Cart

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