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Jesus Explained
Questions and Answers

This book intends nothing more nor less than to explain Jesus, and not only to explain him, but to explain him to everyone!

It is more than twenty centuries since the birth in what was then called Palestine (more or less the “Israel” of today) of a man named Jesus.  His words and his actions aroused the interest of many, then a certain reticence, and finally a firm opposition which was to lead to his condemnation by the authorities charged with maintaining public order.  He would then die by crucifixion at Jerusalem, which at that time was the political capital and holy city of the Jewish people, among whom he was born about thirty years earlier.

However, the story does not end there.  Some of those who had heard and followed him asserted that they had seen him alive again after his death and this news spread across time and place.  And so was born what we call “Christianity,” which today counts more than 1.5 billion members, spread throughout the world.

All the questions raised here come down to a single one:  How could all this come about?  What can we know exactly about Jesus, what can clarify how he merited such a destiny, such an impact, such a “survival?”  Yes, how can we explain all that; and just as importantly, how can we explain ourselves in relation to all that?

ISBN: 978-15876-8834-8

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