Book Categories
Cuaderno de Trabajo del Estudiante
El Programa de la Escuela BĂblica Catolica
Now in Spanish, Year One covers the first two major sections of the Old Testament: the Pentateuch and the historical books that make up the Deuteronomic history of Israel. It is a full introduction to the foundational books of the Old Testament and ...
List Price: $19.95
Format: SB
(Year Two, Student Workbook)
The Catholic Biblical School Program
Year Two introduces the writings of the New Testament. It begins with an examination of what makes up a gospel and the unique viewpoint of each evangelist. It then examines the nature of St. Paul's letters and their profound theology of risen Christ...
List Price: $16.95
(Year Two, Teacher Guidebook)
Format: Paperback
(Year Four, Student Workbook)
Year four examines God's word as it resonates in the Hellenistic culture that dominated the Mediterranean world from the death of Alexander the Great in 323 BC. Most of the books studied this year attempt to cope with this new situation. Students wi...
Old Testament Continued (Year Three, Student Workbook)
Year Three returns to the experience of the Hebrew people. In particular it traces the historical events of the tumultuous time from about 750 to 400 BC. It studies the destruction of the Northern Kingdom of Israel in 722/21 BC, the destruction of t...
(Year One, Student Workbook)
Year One covers the first two major sections of the Old Testament: the Pentateuch and the historical books that make up the Deuteronomic history of Israel. It is a full introduction to the foundational books of the Old Testament and their most impor...
(Year One, Teacher Guidebook)
The Human Quest for Meaning
Brian Schmisek
"Brian Schmisek weaves together contemporary experience and writings with those of Greco-Roman classical antiquity. What a delight to discover the long arc of the quest for meaning in our beleaguered world. I found it comforting, challenging, and in...
List Price: $21.95
List Price: $14.71
Format: eBook
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