On Fraternity and Social Friendship
The Encyclical Letter Fratelli Tutti
Sets out the pope's vision for a post-pandemic world—a preoccupation of his homilies and addresses in the Covid-19 period. In Pope Francis's thinking, care for each other—particularly the poorest and most marginalized in society—cannot be divided from care for creation.
“This document is written in an invitational rhetorical style. But be prepared for an unremitting invitation to nothing less than a conversion of life in light of the pope’s astute assessment of the brokenness and polarization of the world today. This includes the scandal of rampant and almost individual and institutional individualism and the need for religious bodies to come together in 'fraternity and social friendship' in order to witness to counter cultural values before the world. The Catholic characteristic and challenge—the common good—is cited and explored here in numerous ways.
I caution that the document is not about making adjustments here and there to our personal and communal lives. Rather it is nothing less than about a way to reread and to live the gospel for our times. What the pope writes is needed for us to survive not only COVID… but for the contemporary world to survive.
This profound encyclical can change minds and hearts and be one avenue to do nothing less than 'renew the face of the earth.’”
— from Msgr. Kevin Irwin’s preface
ISBN: 978-08091-5564-4
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