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Titles by: Pope Francis I

Pope Francis I

Displaying 1 to 15 (of 24 by this author)
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A Wound Full of Hope

Remembering Those Who Have Gone Before Us

Pope Francis

“There is a mysterious solidarity in Christ between those who have already passed to the other life and we pilgrims in this one: our deceased loved ones continue to take care of us from Heaven. They pray for us, and we pray for them and we pray with...


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Format: Paperback

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A Wound Full of Hope

Remembering Those Who Have Gone Before Us

Pope Francis

“There is a mysterious solidarity in Christ between those who have already passed to the other life and we pilgrims in this one: our deceased loved ones continue to take care of us from Heaven. They pray for us, and we pray for them and we pray with...


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Format: eBook

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Anointed and Sent

Reflections of Gratitude and Praise for the Priesthood

Pope Francis

This series of reflections on the meaning and ministry of the priesthood is based on the pope’s Holy Thursday Chrism Mass homilies delivered from March 2013 to the present. In addition, it includes the pope’s letter to priests on the occasion of the...


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Format: Paperback

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Christ is Alive!

The Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation Christus Vivit

Pope Francis

A response to the Synod on Young People, Christ Is Alive! is a passionate call for every Christian to embrace their role in the Church, to bring the gospel everywhere, and to meet young people where they are. From a scriptural overview of how God vi...


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Format: Paperback

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El Camino de la Cruz con El Papa Francisco

Meditaciones sobre las Estaciones

Papa Francisco

"The cross is the word of hope and mercy to all the crucified of the world, for those who are oppressed, the sick, poor, and marginalized, victims of violence and abuse, still find the courage to turn their gaze to the One who was pierced. And from ...


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Format: Paperback

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El Camino de la Cruz con el Papa Francisco

Meditaciones sobre las Estaciones

Papa Francisco; editado por Alessandro Saraco

"The cross is the word of hope and mercy to all the crucified of the world, for those who are oppressed, the sick, poor, and marginalized, victims of violence and abuse, still find the courage to turn their gaze to the One who was pierced. And from ...


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Format: eBook

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The Heart of the Good Shepherd and the Heart of a Priest

Reflections by Pope Francis

Pope Francis

Pope Francis dedicated several days to praying and talking with his brother priests on the occasion of the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. These pages capture the Holy Father's intimate thoughts on the love of God, the life of a priest, and the ...


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Format: Paperback

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I Ask You to Pray for Me

Opening a Horizon of Hope

Pope Francis

In his first appearance as newly elected pope, mindful of the challenging tasks ahead of him, Pope Francis humbly asked the crowds who came to rejoice at his election to pray for him. From this request—I ask you to pray for me—comes the title of thi...


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Format: Paperback

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I Ask You to Pray for Me: Opening a Horizon of Hope

Opening a Horizon of Hope

Pope Francis

In his first appearance as newly elected pope, mindful of the challenging tasks ahead of him, Pope Francis humbly asked the crowds who came to rejoice at his election to pray for him. From this request—I ask you to pray for me—comes the title of thi...


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Format: eBook

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Lent With Pope Francis

Pope Francis I


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Format: AP

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On Care for Our Common Home

The Encyclical Letter Laudato Si'

Pope Francis; Introduction by Msgr. Kevin W. Irwin

This appeal from Pope Francis to all who inhabit this planet states that humans have made "irresponsible use" of the Earth, that climate change affects most people living in poverty, and that we must unite to protect the planet. Ultimately, Pope Fra...


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Format: Paperback

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On Fraternity and Social Friendship

The Encyclical Letter Fratelli Tutti

Pope Francis

Sets out the pope's vision for a post-pandemic world—a preoccupation of his homilies and addresses in the Covid-19 period. In Pope Francis's thinking, care for each other—particularly the poorest and most marginalized in society—cannot be divided fr...


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Format: Paperback

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On Fraternity and Social Friendship

The Encyclical Letter Fratelli Tutti

Pope Francis

Sets out the pope's vision for a post-pandemic world—a preoccupation of his homilies and addresses in the Covid-19 period. In Pope Francis's thinking, care for each other—particularly the poorest and most marginalized in society—cannot be divided fr...


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Format: eBook

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Pope Francis Talks to Couples

Wisdom on Marriage & Family

Pope Francis

This brief book, excerpted from the papal exhortation Amoris Laetitia, distills for those about to be married or just marrieds, the essence of the value of a lifelong union and the beauty of the vocation to marriage. In addition, Pope Francis speaks...


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Format: Paperback

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Displaying 1 to 15 (of 24 by this author)
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