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Ancient Christian Writers Series
Ancient Christian Writers Series
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Displaying 1 to 15 (of 61 products)
63. Julian of Toledo
Prognosticum Futuri Saeculi
Sergio Stancati, OP
The first English translation of the Prognosticum futuri saeculi of Julian of Toledo (624-690), the most ancient treatise of Christian eschatology.
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Format: Hardcover
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62. Origen
Homilies 1-14 on Ezekiel
Dr. Thomas P. Scheck
This is the first English translation of Origen's fourteen Homilies on Ezekiel, made from the Latin translation of St. Jerome.
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Format: Hardcover
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61. Isidore of Seville
DeEcclesiasticis Officiis
Thomas L. Knoebel
This is the first complete English translation of De Ecclesiasticis Officiis (DEO) of St. Isidore of Seville (d. 636), considered the last Latin father of the church. The work is an invaluable source of information about liturgical practice and chur...
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Format: Hardcover
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60. Quodvultdeus of Carthage
Creedal Homilies
Dr. Thomas M Finn
The Creedal Homilies is a translation and commentary on the recently recovered and critically edited homilies on the Nicene Creed, delivered by Quodvultdeus, the last pre-Vandal archbishop of Carthage and young contemporary of St. Augustine.
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Format: Hardcover
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59. Evagrius Ponticus
Ad Monachos
translation and commentary by Jeremy Driscoll
Proverbs from this desert father, translated for the first time into English.
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Format: Hardcover
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56. St. Justin Martyr
The First and Second Apologies
The First and Second Apologies
An English translation from Greek of Justin Martyr's two major apologetic works, which are recognized as a formative influence on the development of Christian theology in the early church.
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Format: Hardcover
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Format: Hardcover
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35. Letters of St. Paulinus of Nola, Vol. 1
translated and annotated by P.G. Walsh
Twenty-two prose letters that serve as a spiritual autobiography and intimate view of monastic life in Gaul and Nola, near Naples, in the fifth century.
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Format: Hardcover
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29. St. Augustine on the Psalms, Vol. 1
on the Psalms
translated and annotated by Dame Scholastica Hebgin and Dame
This volume covers Augustine's notes and commentaries on Psalms 1 through 29. Augustine's theme is the church, less as an external institution than as the very focus and center of God and Christ.
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Format: Hardcover
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24. Tertullian
The Treatise Against Hermogenes
translated and annotated by J.H. Waszink
Hermogenes was still living when Carthage's native son took up his pen to oppose him, but that did not make Tertullian's polemic more considerate, or his satire less passionate and biting. Hermogenes taught a form of materialism. Tertullian brillian...
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Format: Hardcover
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01. The Epistles of St. Clement of Rome and St. Ignatius of Antioch
St. Clement Of Rome & St. Ignatius
James A. Kleist SJ
St. Clement's epistle, written c. 96, is called the first epistle, and is a model of a pastoral letter. The epistles of St. Ignatius, Bishop of Smyrna at the beginning of the second century, are addressed to six Christian communities.
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Format: Hardcover
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02. St. Augustine
First Catechetical Instruction
Joseph P. Christopher
Written about the year 405, this treatise is unique in that it embodies both a manual for the catechist and a catechesis for the prospective catechumen.
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Format: Hardcover
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03. St. Augustine
Faith, Hope & Charity
Louis A. Arand SS
Augustine has given us here a fairly complete compendium of his whole theology and the system on which it rests.
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Format: Hardcover
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04. Julianus Pomerius
The Contemplative Life
translated and annotated by Mary Josephine Suelzer
Written around the end of the fifth century or the beginning of the sixth, this work, composed at the urgent request of a bishop, is an expression of the ideals of the contemplative and the active life, supplemented by a discussion of the vices and ...
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Format: Hardcover
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05. St. Augustine
Lord's Sermon on the Mount
translated by John J. Epson, SS
This work was written between the years 393 to 396, when Augustine served as a priest at Hippo. In the first book he answers the question of the true meaning of The Sermon on the Mount: Is it humanely possible to put The Sermon into practice? The se...
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Format: Hardcover
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Displaying 1 to 15 (of 61 products)